The overarching Jewish value guiding JLens’ approach to investing in public companies is hocheach tocheach (constructive rebuke). As there is no perfect company, attempts to solely screen out ‘bad actors’ or only invest in ‘good actors’ miss the greatest opportunity for impact through the constructive rebuke inherent in investor advocacy. JLens utilizes six pillars from Judaism’s framework of mitzvot (obligations) to evaluate companies and engage in long-term investor advocacy.

Constructive Rebuke Hocheach Tocheach
Combat Antisemitism & Hate
Harnessing the power of corporations to combat antisemitism & hate, supporting Jewish and minority employees, and ensuring that products and services are free from antisemitism.
Support for Israel
Countering BDS pressure on corporations and investors, removing anti-Israel bias from the financial services industry, and encouraging economic ties with Israel.
Tikkun Olam
Jewish investors have a responsibility to help repair the world. JLens collaborates with other faith-based investors to protect children online, end forced labor, and promote responsible business practices.