Our Jewish Investor Network is composed of over 30 Jewish institutions, representing more than $11 billion in Jewish community investment capital.

Jewish Investor Network
These institutions, which include Federations, Jewish Community Foundations, Day Schools, Nonprofit Organizations, Private Foundations and Synagogues, have invested $300M in products licensing JLens’ research, advocacy & screening strategies since 2015.
JLens’ strategies empower institutions to help combat antisemitism, support Israel, and promote the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) through shareholder advocacy, while tracking large-cap equity index performance.
JLens’ strategies leverage Jewish institutional endowments for shareholder advocacy, amplifying the Jewish voice in the corporate arena and drawing strength from JLens’ expertise as the only Jewish organization solely focused on shareholder advocacy.

Investor Spotlights
Through an increased investment allocation to a product…
Enter Investor Spotlight: Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh
Championing Jewish Values Through Investments With growing awareness…
Enter Investor Spotlight: Minnesota Jewish Community Foundation
In an era where values-based investing is gaining…