An affiliate of ADL since 2022, JLens was launched in 2012 to explore investing through a Jewish lens and to increase the Jewish community’s participation in shareholder advocacy with the world’s largest and most influential public corporations.
JLens empowers investors to align their capital with Jewish values and advocates for Jewish communal priorities in the corporate arena.

This is a field where other faith investors are looked to as leaders and have been successfully advocating for their values for decades but the Jewish community has been largely absent. JLens has stepped forward as the Jewish community’s voice in the corporate boardroom.
As corporations play a greater role in shaping our society and world, the Jewish community needs a united investor voice to combat the threats of antisemitism, Israel delegitimization, and all forms of hate. There is also an opportunity to shape corporate and investor behavior for positive impact, inspired by Jewish values.
JLens’ Jewish Investor Network now represents over 30 Jewish institutions, representing more than $11 billion in Jewish community investment capital.
These institutions, which include Federations, Jewish Community Foundations, Day Schools, Nonprofit Organization, Private Foundations and Synagogues, have invested $300M in products licensing JLens’ Jewish Advocacy Strategy since 2015.
This research, advocacy & screening strategy is the only strategy inspired by Jewish values which conducts shareholder advocacy with the largest U.S. public companies on Jewish communal concerns. JLens advocates for companies to combat antisemitism & hate, support Israel, and address critical tikkun olam issues.